Meet the Team

Queen B
Coffee is my passion. The Hive is a dream come true for my family and I!
I’m a bookworm who loves to dance while also being secretly competitive. My family is everything to me. Because family means so much to me, I make it a point to treat my customers like family. I love my Hive family– best staff anyone could ask for!
I absolutely do not like when people chew loudly. Oh, and umm, not being fed. Don’t make me hangry. You wouldn’t like me when I’m hangry!
When choosing the name, “The Hive”, we wanted to build a place where the El Paso community could come together and “bee” with one another. A place where everyone belongs and contributes to our Hive through their presence & stories.
For us, it is a little “nest” of wonderful people who enjoy a good cup of coffee. The name is so fitting to what we have become. The Hive name fits like a glove. Some come for the coffee, some come to vent, and others come for both. Whatever the reason, it is all good. We love you all so much. A million thanks today and always for leaving a footprint in our little Hive and in our hearts
Favorite Hive Drink: Americano. (hotter than Stacy’s mom)
Zoe Dobard
Our Awesome Team
THREE baristaS & a chef.
The Hive family and a little about them.

Courntey "Melody Bee"
Loves: Singing, writing, play guitar and make dreamcatchers
Dislikes: large crowds, being interrupted, people trying to turn me into a pop artist.
Favorite Hive Drink: Iced Banana Latte w/ Mocha
-P.S. Must have coffee due to lack of self control

Sabrina "Honey Bee"
Loves: asking random questions, vegetarian, and advocate for the environment
Dislikes: Climate change and mosquitos
Favorite Hive Drink: Iced Chai Latte w/ non dairy milk & vanilla
-P.S. Yes, Sabrina like the witch!

Maiya "Busy Bee"
Loves: eating,playing video games, making art, organizing playlists and fashion!!
Dislikes: Clutter!!!
Favorite Hive Drink: Matcha Lemonade w/ coconut syrup
-P.S. Bring me Hot Cheetos if you wanna be friends! :’)

Mando "Killer Bee"
Loves: cooking, writing, dancing, singing. I also have an odd sense of humor.
Dislikes: dull convo, lack of sense of humor, and not being hugged.
Favorite Hive drink: cold brew, black (like my soul) w/ honey.
-P.S. If the FBI asks, we never met…